Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I was out the door at a quarter til six this morning, at the airport in plenty of time to stand in the long security line, snag a window seat on the airplane, and have smooth-sailing up to Sacramento.

The rental car company clearly likes me, since I got a brand-new Chevy SUV in a shiny cherry red. The drive up to Auburn was easy...I fit right in with CA drivers, since I habitually have a lead foot at home.

And then I promptly got myself all mixed up and turned around getting to the Fairgrounds. I made it to the Fairgrounds area fine, I just couldn't find the right turnoff to get to the area where I needed to be. *sigh* My GPS app on my phone is fired.

I'm hanging out in the Starbucks in Auburn at the moment, getting caffeinated, hugging the air conditioning, and getting all my computer work that needs an internet connection done.

I'll try to blog as much as I can over this whole Tevis experience, dependent on internet connection and time.

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky to be there and meet all of the Renegade riders and their horses. When I went out this am to the barn, I looked up and saw the moon-the TEVIS moon! :) Have a blast Ashley!
