Sunday, August 8, 2010

Centered Riding

I've spent a quiet afternoon browsing through Sally Swift's Centered Riding.  I would love to be able to take CR lessons.  I had the opportunity four years ago to semi-audit and sit in on one of Becky Hart's clinics, and some of the things I picked up from that experience are still with me today.  She's a CR-certified instructor and uses those principles to apply specifically to endurance riders.

I'd love to further expand on the few bits I gleaned from that clinic.

Unfortunately, the nearest CR instructor in AZ is in Cave Creek.  That's an hour and a half from the barn, minimum.  Not. Going. To. Happen.  Not even once a month, for as much good as a once a month lesson would do.

The only way this could possibly happen is if I find a place to keep the horses that's close to home.  Because then, the drive would more likely be 40-45 minutes.  My ideal would probably be a lesson every two weeks.

But for now, best I can do is read the CR book, absorb what I can, and work through the principles on my own.  Maybe I can get my father to pitch in with some photography and videoing so that I can then go back and review.  it's not an ideal world, but I will do my best to work with what I've got.


  1. Good luck Ashley!

    Personally, I get A LOT from analyzing photos and videos. Nothing beats having a really awesome instructor, but you can do a lot on your own.

    We're cheering for you in VA :)

    That said, we have no decent, affordable instructor within a hour or more of my house. There is an awesome dressage instructor in town but I can't quite afford the $80/hour price tag. sigh.

  2. Thanks Danielle!

    I've gotten inspired by so many recent posts -- yours included -- of the successes people have been having with using dressage for endurance cross-training. Seems to be a lot more prevalent these days, which will hopefulyl make finding an instructor that accepts I'm not interested in showing, just cross-training, easier.
