When we last left off, Kaity and I wrapped up the Robinson Flat check and were heading back to Foresthill...
Then it was down to Foresthill, where we found the trailer,
found a
Funder, got everything we would need for the evening set up, got the
cart ready for meeting Lucy on Bath Road, then we wandered over to see what
food vendors were set up this year. An excellent taco truck provided
sustenance, then we went down and hung out on Bath Road – word was that the
front runners would be coming through shortly, and we will had time before we
had to leave to meet Lucy at the Chicken Hawk check.
Funder shows off her shiny truck tailgate step |
So we found a spot in the shade and hung out and watched
Jennifer Waitte be the first rider into Foresthill, followed by Tom Johnson
(who rides a beautiful little grey Al-Marah mare I was drooling over the entire
ride…my love for these horses is a bit sickening, I know…), Tennessee Lane, and
Heather Reynolds.
AM Lady Liberty Wins -- such a pretty mare! |
After watching them come in, Kaity and I headed out to meet
Lucy at the Chicken Hawk check. It may seem redundant, having a crew person (or
two) meet you at a check that is only 4 miles away from your next big hour-long
check, but both Kaity and Lucy have called Chicken Hawk a tough, low-point check
for them, so I can see the value in having your own personal crew to give you a
mental boost.
Fergus wasn’t particularly difficult to get cooled down this
year, but if it’s a really hot day or your horse is having trouble pulsing
down, I can see where it’s super-helpful to have someone to help with that
process. Plus, there is still one more canyon – a small one, but still goes
down and up – left before Foresthill, and I can see where hitting that with a
horse who has had a chance to cool off and refresh a little bit could make the
difference between a horse that drags up Bath Road versus one who is a bit more
At Chicken Hawk, we hung around the check itself for a bit,
getting a feel for the new layout – has a couple of bugs to work out, such as
the vet area possibly being a bit close to the out-times. They had hay out near
the out-timers for horses to eat after vetting, but it wasn’t actually apparent
from where you were standing and looking in that direction – as was evidenced
by the large pile of hay still there when we rode on Monday. Consequently, we
went back to the hay/mash area for Fergus to eat some more, and then had to
navigate through the crowds to get to the out-timer.
troughs, food, sponging in lower area, vetting and out-timer at the top |
Having a good spread-out space and a graveled area to sponge
was very nice – I had never been to the old Chicken Hawk check before, but
Kaity said this one was much, much nicer. Less mud from sponging meant it
wasn’t so hot and swampy, and being on a slight rise, it was catching some
breeze as well.
We met Lucy down on the road into the staging area, walked
up to the troughs, and got to work cooling Fergus as he drank and ate. They had
sponges and buckets there, as well as alfalfa and large pans of LMF mash. The
volunteers were also excellent about keeping the sponge water topped off with
cool water – excellent service!
Lucy and Fergus coming in |
After vetting, we gave Lucy a few minutes to sit and Fergus
a few more minutes to eat, then piled the girl back on her horse and sent them
on their way.
vetting at Chicken Hawk |
You can’t drive in to the Chicken Hawk check – have to park
about a mile out on the road and walk in/out. We were all prepared to hoof it
out of there, but managed to bum a ride from a volunteer who was driving out
and had half a dozen people piled in the back of the truck. That shaved at
least ten minutes off the time it would have taken us to get back to the truck!
Back at Foresthill, we found fellow crew member H, set up
and waiting on Bath Rd with the cart, and we settled in to wait for Lucy. We
didn’t have to wait too long before the large Golden Freight Train came
powering up Bath Road. We stripped tack and hosed him at the trough set up on
the road, then took him up the road to the check. He was still a little high on
his pulse, so he got hosed some more, then once he was down, he was pulsed,
then over to the vet line for his check – also successful!
eating in the vet line at Foresthill |
Fergus trot-out...he looked more inspired IRL |
Back at the trailer, we got him started on munching while
the rest of us prepped tack stuff for the ride portion. Funder taped on the
headstall to Lucy’s helmet, I taped glowsticks to the breastcollar, Kaity
changed out saddle pads, and Lucy showered, changed, and ate.
We were scuttling a bit to get everything done in time – that hour seemed to go by awfully fast. Until we got to the out-timer, that is, and they noticed a mix-up on Lucy’s out-time slip – they had written too early of a time on her card. By the time we got to the out-timer, we still had about four minutes to kill, so Fergus got to stand up the troughs and I spent the time stuffing as much last minute hay into him as I could. They left right on time.
waiting to leave Foresthill |
on their way again! |
(Funny enough, this is actually my own personal strategy I
use deliberately at rides – I mentally “reset” my out-time to anywhere between
2-5 minutes before it actually is, because I hate leaving checks late…when you ride a back-of-the-pack turtle
horse, every minute is precious.)
Once the girl + horse had disappeared into the darkness, we
packed up the trailer and all made our way back to the Fairgrounds. Lucy had
reserved a spot in the North Lot camping area (the same spot Kaity had last
year), and it got all prepared for Fergus’s arrival with his Spring Tie,
shavings spread, and food and water waiting.
We all stayed up chatting for a bit, then gradually
succumbed to the idea of grabbing even a couple of hours of nap-time. I stretched
out on the backseat of Kaity’s truck, and dozed fitfully only to discover I was
laying with my head facing downhill. That never works, so once I righted myself
and tucked into my sleeping bag (I can’t believe I was COLD…but 2:00AM + being
tired will do that to ya…), I managed to snooze for another hour or so.
Based on her times, and online tracking and updates, we
expected Lucy in around 4AM SUNDAY, so we were waiting for her on the hill at
the Official Timed Finish (which they had all lit up with Christmas lights –
pretty!) by about 3:30ish or so. It’s fun to watch the riders come in – you can
usually see glowsticks before anything else, so you wonder if that’s your rider
yet…you try to remember who they were riding near…you whoop and holler and
cheer…and keep watching for glowsticks…
fancy decorated finish |
Lucy and Fergus had three very bright green glowsticks
(battery-powered, reusable type, so brighter than even the standard green
crack-and-go type)…we kept watching…riders we knew had been riding near her
came in…and then there they were.
Fergus was doing his big striding/shuffley/gaity thing he
does, and he just marched right under that lit-up banner, and just kept on
marching right down to the stadium. 100 miles, and he still was doing his Big
Trot around the stadium…and predictably spooked at the chalk finish line.
heading into the stadium |
All day long, every time we saw him, his attitude had been “Yeah,
I got this.” He knew exactly where he
was, what he was doing, and how this game was played. They finished faster,
too. (22 minutes faster, and Lucy was almost spot-on with her goal time of
4:00AM – they came in a 4:03AM.)
The same attitude carried over to his final vet check – he strode
out, he strode back, and he looked absolutely fantastic. And then he proceeded
to drag me back to the trailer for food. Kaity wrapped his legs, then we took
him back down for one final check – within 1-2 hours of finishing, the horse
has to come back for one final metabolics check, just to make sure they’re not
experiencing any kind of delayed post-ride problem.
final trot-out |
When the head vet of Tevis does the final check on the horse
and says he looks good, you know he looks good. And he did. He really did. Back
at the trailer, Fergus settled in with a few more bites of food, then he was
ready to sleep. Kaity and I threw sleeping mats and sleeping bags on the ground
behind the truck – I figured that as soon as the sun was up (which was going to
happen in about an hour at this point), I would be awake…but what they heck, it
was a chance for another nap at least.
I managed to sleep until almost 9AM.
A shower was the first order of business, and it involved a
bunch of us ladies commandeering the men’s room temporarily when it was
discovered only one shower in the women’s bathrooms was functioning. Fastest
shower ever – and it still didn’t remove the Tevis tan line of dirt embedded
around the ankles – but at least removing the outermost layer of dirt felt
really good.
Tevis tan line -- sexy, no? |
Then we grabbed breakfast and watched the Haggin Cup
judging. Five of the Top Ten horses showed this year. I would love to be a fly on the wall for the Cup
Committee discussions – it would be fascinating to know what was said, what was
seen by Committee members, and all of the other factors aside from just the
trot-out that we see that go into the decision of awarding the Cup.
I did a bit of shopping at the Tevis Store – wanted to get
raffle tickets for the big raffle they did to support the rebuilding of the
Swinging Bridge, and got a couple new decal stickers and new Tevis t-shirt.
Drooled over shiny merchandise with “Tevis” embroidered on it, but my deal with
myself is that my name actually has to be on that rider list before I will
justify anything beyond a t-shirt. (Don’t mind me, I’m weird. I also won’t buy
any of the silver buckle decals or pins or anything until I actually have a buckle, either.)
my friend Hannah came in NINTH on her home-bred, raised, and trained gelding Stuart (she rides in Renegades, and her finish was the first Top Ten Tevis finish for Renegade) |
I’m usually pretty mentally cooked by the time the awards
banquet rolls around. Fortunately there was plenty of tasty food, I stood and
clapped in all the appropriate spaces, and then it was done. We socialized for
a little bit afterwards, then headed back to the trailer to wrap things up,
pack up Fergus, then head back to Low Camp. The rest of the evening was
low-key, hanging out on the back porch, then eventually turning in at a fairly
reasonable hour. Kaity and I were going to do one final ride in the morning…because
OF COURSE that’s what you do the day after you’ve been crewing Tevis all
...more still to come...